When dealing with the restrictions that a pandemic brings, it can be crucial to consider the best options for funerary services. For lots of people, this means having a virtual service. If you have been invited to the virtual service of a loved one and have never been to one before, it can be tough to know what to expect. Here are some etiquette tips for virtual services that directors of funeral homes in Midlothian, VA want you to know.
You want to be sure that you dress appropriately. Lots of times, people think that because they are staying home for the service, they do not have to get dressed appropriately, but that is not the case. You do not want to offend anyone, and that can happen. You can wear black or other somber colors, and you want to remember not to wear anything too revealing or too casual.
Another thing that you want to keep in mind is that you want to download the platform on which the service will take place a few days ahead of it. This is crucial if you have never used the platform before. If you have any issues or problems, you can make sure to resolve them before the day of the service.
You also want to remember to get to the service on time. Even though it is virtual, you still want to avoid being late. It can be distracting to see people appearing on screen, so do ensure that you avoid doing that. If you are afraid of forgetting when the service is, you will want to set up an alarm to remind you.
You also want to remember to mute your microphone. It can be very distracting to hear strange and extraneous noises while the service is taking place and that can happen if people keep their mikes on. Unless you giving a eulogy or a reading, there is no reason to unmute the mike. After the service, you can do so to speak with the family of the deceased and to give them your condolences. All of this can make a difference.
By keeping all of these tips in mind, you can be sure that you will be able to honor your loved one and get the closure you need. It is not easy to do this during a pandemic, but a virtual service can offer the chance to let you say goodbye. You will want to reach out and ask questions if you still have concerns so that you are ready for the process. To learn more about all of the options you have, you can reach out to a Midlothian, VA funeral home like us at Morrissett Funeral and Cremation Service. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and to help you find the best options for a loved one who has died. Give us a call right now or stop by our location today to learn more about what we can offer.