Dr. Timothy Amador

Dr. Timothy Amador

November 28, 1951 - January 15, 2025
Chesterfield, Virginia

Dr. Timothy Amador

November 28, 1951 - January 15, 2025
Chesterfield, Virginia


Queremos compartir la información sobre el servicio fúnebre para nuestro Pastor, Dr. Timothy Amador, nuestro amado Pa.

Es el viernes 31 de Enero de las 6:00 pm asta la media noche en
Iglesia Bautista Misionera, 
6606 Rte 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237

La vela sera de 6:00 pm a 8:30 pm.
El servicio comenzará a las 9:00 pm y terminara alrededor de las 10:30 pm y continuaremos con la vela asta la medía noche.

Quisiera compartir uno de los últimos deseos de nuestro Pastor.
Correspondiente a los arreglos florales qué suelen comprar para los servicios fúnebre,
Pa pidió que no se le compran flores, sino que él le gustaría que el dinero fuese donado a la Iglesia para la ofrenda de la compra de las sillas que serían para el santuario permanente.
El dijo que sí Dios no le dio la dicha de ver el templo terminado, el quería poder contribuir una última vez.
Sin embargo, sí alguien aún  tiene el deseo de comprar le flores, pueden ir a Petals & Bows Florist en 6503 Centralia Rd, Chesterfield VA, 23832 o llamarles al 804-748-0104.


Here is the information for the funeral service in honor of our Pastor, Dr. Timothy Amador, our beloved Pastor Tim.

Friday, January 31st from
6:00 pm until midnight at
Iglesia Bautista Misionera
6606 Rte 1
North Chesterfield, VA 23237

The viewing will be from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
The service will begin at 9:00 pm and end around 10:30.
Afterwards we will continue with the viewing until midnight.

Regarding floral arrangements, allow me to share one of Pastor Tim’s last wishes.
He didn’t quite care for them and instead would prefer donations to the Church offering collected to purchase new sanctuary chairs. He said if God did not allow him to see the Church completed in life, he wanted to be able to contribute one last time.
But if your desire is to send a floral arrangement, you can contact Petals & Bows Florist on 6503 Centralia Rd, Chesterfield VA, 23832 or call at 804-748-0104


  • Date & Time: January 31, 2025 (6:00 PM - 11:55 PM)
  • Venue: Iglesia Baptista Misionera
  • Location: 6606 Rte 1 Richmond, VA 23237 - (Get Directions)

Funeral Service

  • Date & Time: January 31, 2025 (9:00 PM)
  • Venue: Iglesia Baptista Misionera
  • Location: 6606 Rte 1 Richmond, VA 23237 - (Get Directions)

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4 responses to Dr. Timothy Amador

  1. We are so sorry to hear of Pastor Tim’s passing, but we rejoice in his life and impact for the Kingdom. Praying for his family at this time. Steve Bradshaw, SBC of Virginia

  2. may your light continue toshine for the lives you touched

  3. Sandra says:

    Pastor Tim will be very missed.
    He was a Great preacher and a very good friend. Gone but not forgotten.
    With lots of Love ❤️. We will see each other in the Promise land. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. Sandra says:

    Pastor Tim was great preacher
    He knew his loving Savior.
    He was a great friend. Gone but not forgotten. Lord put your loving arms around our pastor Tim. Our prayers are with the Family. With lots of Love.
    From Barry and Sandra Vaughn and Family. 🙏🏻❤️

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