Planning a Memorable Scattering Ceremony

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While many people want a traditional burial after their death, cremation services near Chesterfield, VA, are becoming more common. With cremation, you still have the option for burial or interment in a columbarium niche, but many people wish for their ashes to be scattered. There is usually a special and meaningful place where they want their cremated remains to be spread. This can be done informally, with just yourself and maybe another family member or two present. On the other hand, you can plan a scattering ceremony, which can stand in as a kind of alternative to a burial service.

You will want to think about how many people you want to attend, and who they should be. Your options really depend on the location where you will be scattering, as well as your own personal preferences. You may keep it simple and small, with just a few close family members in attendance. On the other hand, you might choose to open it up to a larger group of family and friends. Another thing to think about is how you want to do the scattering itself. Some people, especially a spouse, parent, or another very close family member, may want to do the scattering alone, while others stand by and observe. In other situations, multiple family members and even friends might be given the opportunity to scatter a small number of their loved one’s ashes. This can be done in many different ways, and there is even scattering merchandise that can be purchased to make this process easier.

Thinking of this as a ceremony, you may want to have a short service take place beforehand. This can be led by someone you know, someone from your church, or anyone else of your choosing. You might give those in attendance the opportunity to step forward and tell a fond story or memory of the person you are honoring that day. You could hold a toast in their honor, or you could say a special prayer or poem that was meaningful to them. Perhaps there is a song that you feel should be played at their scattering, or maybe you want to keep it short and simple. However you choose to do it, just make sure to consider what you think your loved one would have wanted. After all, this whole event is taking place to return them to a place that they loved, so that they may rest there in peace.

There are many ways to make a loved one’s scattering ceremony more personal and memorable. The setting itself is one of the most important parts, and that should be considered with care as well. Since many places have rules or regulations about scattering, it’s important to do your research before you make your final plans. If you have any questions or need to find out more, your provider of cremation services near Chesterfield, VA, can help you. They can give advice and help you find out where and when it’s permitted to scatter, and they can also provide you with any merchandise you may need. Then, you can move forward with your day and look forward to bringing your loved one back to a place that meant so much to them in life.

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