The Holidays after a Loss

Grief and Time
March 2, 2019
Memorial Service Ideas
March 11, 2019

The holidays can bring back a lot of memories of someone you loved who is no longer with you. This can make it a debilitating time of the year, making people relive their grief or experience what they are already feeling even more strongly. Getting through the celebrations can be difficult, but it is possible to do. Because Dale City, VA funeral home directors see this kind of issue regularly, they have some suggestions that can make a difference.  

The first thing you need to do is to acknowledge what you are feeling. Many people try to push aside the grief or pretend it is not happening, but this is detrimental and can actually make the grief worse. Accept that you will be sad and that you will grieve for the person you have lost. It is also common to feel some anger or frustration at other people, who will seem like they are celebrating without you or who you may think have forgotten about your loss. This is normal and you should also embrace the emotion.  

A very important thing to do is to also try to remove as much stress from the holidays as you can. The holidays are usually stressful because of the need for preparations and gifts, but there are ways you can reduce this. If you dislike crowds, for example, do some of your holiday shopping online. If you usually host a party or event but you do not feel up to it this year, do not force yourself to do it. Ask someone else to do it or cancel the event. Simple things like not accepting every invitation you receive for parties or other celebrations can be of great help.  

Reveling in small enjoyments can allow you to celebrate the holidays in an emotionally safe manner. Instead of trying to be happy and enthusiastic all of the time, and feeling disappointed when you cannot muster up that kind of cheer, take it slowly and celebrate the moments when you do feel happy. This can be as simple and quiet a moment as enjoying a mug of tea.  

You should also consider adding your loved one into the celebrations. Lots of people choose to purchase an ornament engraved with their name or anything else that feels meaningful. It can be a lovely way to remember your loved one while still celebrating the holidays.  

Do not expect the first holiday after a loss to be easy. All of your traditions will bring to mind your loved one and with the memories, sadness. These suggestions can help, however, so that you can get through the celebrations. If you find that you are still struggling, funeral homes in Dale City, VA always have excellent counseling contacts in the area. Reach out to Morrissett Funeral and Cremation Service, which you can find at 6500 Iron Bridge Rd Richmond, VA 23234, or give them a call right now at (804) 275-7828 to hear about available assistance. 

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